All Pasternak, Leonid 's Paintings
The Painting Names Are Sorted From A to Z

Choice ID Image  Paintings (From A to Z)       Details 
62297 Charles V  Charles V   1547 Bronze medal, diameter 7,5 cm Art Museum, Cincinnati
19774 Leo Tolstoy  Leo Tolstoy   1901 Oil sketch Mus??e d'Orsay, Paris.
19773 The Night Before the Examination  The Night Before the Examination   1895 Oil on canvas Mus??e d'Orsay, Paris.

Pasternak, Leonid
Russian, 1862-1945 Russian painter of Ukrainian birth. From 1881 to 1883 Pasternak studied painting privately with Professor Yevgraf Semyonovich Sorokin (1821-92), while working towards a degree in medicine. Switching to law, he also spent several terms studying drawing at the Akademie in Munich between 1883 and 1885. He had his first success in 1889 when his large genre painting in oil, News from Home (1.10*1.52 m, 1888; Moscow, Tret'yakov Gal.), was bought by the influential collector Pavel Tret'yakov. The painting reflects the influence of his German teachers in the sombre tones and the emphasis on the realism of the figures and setting. In 1889 he settled in Moscow and established his own art school.

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